Thursday 21 March 2013



My husband cooked supper for me last night

distilling the essence of the feast upon his skin.

By salt and smoke from frying pan and fire

he whet my appetite for subtly textured fleshy flavours

and the aromatic pleasures suggested by the headiness

of brainy wines uncorked and drunk in bed.

I tasted with my mouth upon his neck

a feast fulfilled and others promised.

Skin turmeric smooth and hairless

with chilli lips to burn my cheek.

Skin cinnamon brown and powder dry

dusted with a sugar tempting to my taste.

Skin like velvet, juicy, dark as prunes and raisins

to press and burst against my tongue.

A rough and crusty maleness

textured like good bread to chew

and for dessert, transparent, white, and delicate,

yet strong and slightly sour

so I must lick and swallow while the juices run

in anticipation of pleasures still to come.

My pale-skin English husband has made for me

a gourmet meal of many different men.

What a feast I now desire.

Copyright Ruth Hartley

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